Plastics Recycling Expert
Kurt Duska
Kurt was the founder of Engineered Plastics LLC, with 4 facilities totaling 320,000 square feet and 250 employees. He has achieved success with 40 years of experience in Tooling, Molding, Assembly, and the Recycling Industry.
Recycling Achievements
Professional Experience
2012 Fiber Optics Facilities
2015 Medical Products Molder, NC
The Path to Sustainability
Gannon University, B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Business
- In 2008 awarded PA DEP Grant for $500,000 to purchase recycling equipment. Purchased advanced densifier/pelletizer recycling system.
- In 2008, was awarded Environmental Company of the year by the NWPA SBDC.
- In 2009, started a medical plastic recycling program at the Cleveland Clinic.
- In 2010, Kurt became a founding member of the HPRC Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council. This group consisted of Waste Management and ten of the largest medical manufacturers in the US. The group developed packaging/product design guidelines and recycling systems to improve hospital recycling rates.
- In 2011, awarded PA. Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence.
- In 2012, started a second recycling facility in Sanford, NC.
- Serves as Judge for business plans and products at the Gannon SBDC and Ben Franklin.
- A member of the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center.
Professional Experience
2012 Fiber Optics Facilities
- Developed recycling program for ABS fiber optic spools
- Tested recycled material at Penn State University plastics program evaluated for maximum acceptable recycled content
- Reviewed process with customer and molder to develop program that increased recycled content from 20% to 50%
- Developed recycling plan for all other associated parts and packaging
- Developed markets for all recycled materials
- Worked with engineering on product changes to improve recycling
- Developed markets for all recycled materials
2015 Medical Products Molder, NC
- Developed recycling program for GPPS and other materials
- Completed site audits and worked with customer to improve value of stream
- Developed end customers for all recycled materials
- Ran program for six years
- Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center 2021
- Ben Franklin Technology Partners 2021
- Pet Sustainability Coalition 2021
- Pet Sustainability Coalition Trial 2020-2021
- Ran trial for post consumer packaging
- Reviewed program, offered best practices and design for recyclability
The Path to Sustainability
- Develop recycling programs that are environmentally, financially and socially effective
- Review Customers Corporate Goals and develop circularity programs to achieve them
- Guide customers in use of recycled content, testing, evaluation and implementation.
- Offer creative solutions to landfill
- Offer assistance in design for recyclability
- Evaluate post consumer recycling of used products and packaging
Gannon University, B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Business